
When you grow up in the European culture, you grow up not even knowing with lots of guilt emotion. let me explain what this means. guilt is used on you even from a young age so you behave and do what is expected of you. for example: if you dont behave well during a family function your mother will use the emotion of guilt to make you feel bad about yourself ” you are trying to give me a heart attack from imbursement” or ” we will never be invited over again because of you.” or my favourite ” everyone will be talking about us and how bad of a mother i am.”

When you are a kid you brush all of those comments a way and never think about it again. but for some unknow reason as you grow up those same comments you brushed away as a kid are now part of your subconscious and DNA. Everything you do and don’t do, even without thinking has a little bit of guilt emotion attached to it. You will say yes to a dinner or a person because you feel guilty ( your mother’s voice is in your head telling you that no one will like you if you don’t do it). but the scariest or more concerning part is the feeling that you are never good enough, that you have not done enough or appreciated someone enough. the feeling of never being enough for everyone around you is sometimes overwhelming and paralyzing.

📍have I said thank enough

📍have I showed enough appreciation

📍have I been enough, have I been enough

Or if ….. in your head the answer is always NO. That means you keep putting yourself aside and keep trying to be everything for everyone, but the guilt you feel will never let you stop.

I do you change. How do you stop that feeling. How do you stop it long enough to be happy with yourself.

Boa Vida CarlaB