Keep going

We are always afraid of getting hurt, afraid to fall and not be able to get up. Live is about experiences good and bad. Don’t let anyone or anything ever bring you down. We all have good and bad days. Life has ways of always bring us up when we are at our lowest. At our darkest and lowest moments we find the strength and courage to pull through and stand up. We are here for a reason, sometimes we can’t see it but it’s there, just keep fighting. Don’t let your fears dictate your fate. Keep smiling and you will see that you are the strongest person you know. You are good, your perfect even when you are not.

Boa Vida. CarlaB

Am I ?

Looking back I have realized that I always live my days, my life to what is expected of me. In other words I live a life to appease others. Do what works for everyone around me; and I do what I think other want and need from me. I read somewhere this week that we are or we try to be what we think others think of us. This made me think that it is true for me. I am what I need to be at that time, during the situation, to who I am with. I am what I need to be for those around me. Some days I have a very hard time knowing who I truly am. Who am I ? How would I describe myself if I had to explain in a few words? The truth, I truly really don’t know.

Boa Vida. CarlaB


This morning like many other mornings there is a sensation or some might call it a feeling of repetition. The feeling of repeating the same actions, same motions, same reactions. For those that believe in life after life they might say that you are living the same life until you learn the lessons you need to learn to evolve into a higher state. Then I would say I am a slow learner, because I have the strong sensation of déjà Vu. Most morning if feels like the morning before. Same actions, same feeling and hoping for a different outcome. This is also the the definition of insanity!!

Boa Vida. CarlaB