What is a dream if not a simple illusion in your head! When does it stop being a dream ? When you now that it is to late and it will never happen because of various reason. I now that some dreams just simply need to stop being, when time does not go back. We always say that hope is that last thing to die, but in the world we live in of stress and speed many of the dreams we had get put a side until one day. Guess what that day will never come, because when you look back life got in the way. Now to even thinking about following some of those hopes and dreams would mean giving up everything you have today and even some of the people in your life that would not accept such dreams.

Boa Vida. Carla B

We rush life everyday without ever looking back. We need to be more we need to have more. But what if we were told that life, our life we live everyday is nothing but an illusion, what would you do? We like to believe that we make our on decisions that we only do what we like and don’t like. This is not true we are all pre conditioned to some level. What we like and don’t like, how we behave and think lots of it has to do where we were born and raised. Some of our beliefs and behaviours are brainwashed into us from birth. Yes some we change along the way but other never do. Even some of the things that growing up I always told myself, when I grow up I will never do that. Guess what, I catch myself telling my children the things that it was told to me and yes, I said I will never do that. Interesting how we repeat behaviours and sayings. So the question remains, are we truly us, an individual, or are we products of others, cultures, environments? Food for thought!!!

Boa Vida. Carla B

The job the person

Is the person the job or is the job the person?
the question is hard to put in words but is also hard to ask. When do you change to adopt to the job or when do you change the job to be more you? People see me as the job that I do not who I am. If I have to be serious and tough, everyone will believe that is you I am. I am no longer seen or thought as someone fun and nice.
In my case the job changed me or I changed for the job. Even that statement is a confusing sentence. The words I changed for the job implies that I consciously changed, that I made that choice willingly. I don’t believe I made a conscious decision it just came with time. Overtime I think I lost me along the way in order to do a good job and be the best. Sacrifices had to be made a long the way and I left pieces of me behind because they did not fit in the new person that I had to be. Perception is half of the battle to get people to see what you what them to see. Act like who you what to be, or act like you already have what you what to have. I like the me today but I miss the old me. Free spirit, fun, caring and above all the me that had so many dream and nothing was going to stop me.

Boa Vida. Carla B